

Project results

The results of the CLINSH project were presented on 25 November 2021 during the closing meeting in Vlaardingen | Rotterdam. Below is an overview of all deliverables from the project. Are you curious about what we are doing to bring CLINSH to the attention of the skippers and other stakeholders after the end of the project? Read the 'After LIFE' report.

Digital tool : This tool provides vessel owners insight in the costs of emission reduction technologies compared to sailing on existing diesel-powered engines.

The 'digital tool'  is available in English and Dutch

If you click on one of the links you can download the reports.

- Laymans Report

- Layman's Report (Dutch)

- Policy support document

- Fleet demonstration activities  (deliverable A and B1)

- Onshore Power Supply - data collection  (Deliverable B2.1)

- Onshore Power Supply (Deliverable B2.2)

- NOx emission factors  (Deliverable B3.2)

- Report on Air Quality (Deliverable B4)

- SocioEconomic_study (Deliverable C1)

- Project indicators (Deliverable C1)

- Financing the CLINSH scenario (Deliverable D2.3)

- Fleetscenario's (Deliverable D2.4) 

Harbour monitoring (A): Air quality on the Rhine and in the inland ports of Duisburg and Neuss/Düsseldorf (part of action B4)
Harbour monitoring (B)Determination of NOX and particulate matter emissions from inland vessels at berth (part of action B4)
- Harbour monitoring (C): Emission inventories of the Neuss and Duisburg port areas (part of action B4)
- Harbour monitoring (D) : Analysis of shipping traffic on the Rhine for the years 2018-2020 (part of action B4)
- Harbour monitoring (E) : Determination of NOx emissoin rates of passing vessels (part of action B4) 
- Harbour monitoring (F): Root Cause Analysis for Air Quality Measurement Results in the Inland Ports of Neuss and Duisburg (part of action B4)

- Max Pruss:Emission measurements on the laboratory vessel "Max Prüss" after retrofitting with a SCRT system (part of action B1)
Synthesis report shore power and energy scan programme inland shipping

More about CLINSH:

LANUV Facberichten (in German):
Analyse des Schiffsverkehrs (122)
Hafenmonitoring: Luftqualität, Teil A (115)
Hafenmonitoring: Emissionsinventare, Teil B (123)
Bestimmung der NOX- und Feinstaubemissionen von Binnenschiffen am Liegeplatz (119)
Emissionsmessungen auf dem Laborschiff „Max Prüss“ nach Ausrüstung mit einem SCRT-System (102)
- Hafenmonitoring: landseitigen Onshore-Messungen, Teil E (126)

- Tijdschrift Lucht: 'Schonere binnenvaart kan en moet' (in Dutch)
- 'Vergroening binnenvaart commercieel onleefbaar' (in Dutch)
- 'Uitstoot binnenvaart kan met twee derde omlaag in haven Antwerpen' (in Dutch)
- Schuttevaer: 'Baten vergroening binnenvaart hoger dan de lasten' (in Dutch)
- Scheepvaartkrant: 'CLINSH project voor schone binnenvaart na 5 jaar afgerond' part I & II (in Dutch)
- Immissionsschutz: 'Air quality on the Rhine and in the inland ports of Duisburg and Neuss' (in German)
- Immissionsschutz: 'Determination and modelling of NOx and PM emissions from inland vessels at berth (in German)